This video is an attempt to understand what a child wants in life. During our surveys to villages near IIT Kharagpur Campus I chanced to meet and talk to a lot of kids around. I realized they too have similar hopes, likes-dislikes, craziness and similar expectations from life. Some of them wanted to be doctors, policemen, engineers, pilots and to my surprise I met a kid who wanted to be a WWE wrestler! He was probably generations ahead of me. At the same time I saw the pathetic condition of their schools, houses, villages and social lives. I believe it is the responsibility of every enlightened and privileged individual to raise the voice for the rights of the unprivileged ones. Why are they not getting proper education, proper food, shelter and medical facilities when the state and central government has got endless policies tailor made for them ?
This song is a longing for a new dawn of awareness and enlightened society.
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Monish Salhotra
Member, IIT Kharagpur Volunteer Chapter